Interior Designer

Elke Fingleton

My goal is to change the world one property at a time!

I am the founder of Lifepath Designs a Carlow based company which combines practical sound advice and designs by combining the functionality of Interior Design with a space that feels as good as it looks.

I believe that consultations should assist the client in making the space become of reflection of who they are.

With a wealth of experience in real estate, project management, sustainability & design in London and Ireland, I have pretty much seen it all especially, when it comes to converting derelict buildings into homes

Real Estate Home Staging, Children Designs, Professional Master Trained Feng Shui Consultant & Colour Therapist, are all just a part of the extra specialist areas of design that I can offer.

My CPD approved courses Feng Shui for Therapists has transformed waiting, treatment & therapy rooms into ones that clients remember and talk about.

Businesses find it important to have good design and your house should be designed in such a way that it supports who you are and that it feels like home.

Presently, teaching Interior Design for the IDAI in UCD and love watching all the new creativity that lies ahead. The future of design is looking great.

Why not book a slot and tell me all about “your space” that you would like to design, I would love to meet you

Venue: Carlow - The Visual

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